Trinity Academy Leeds

Trinity Academy Leeds is great news for families in Leeds! Trinity MAT has poured all its experience and expertise into creating another unique and exceptional academy, which opens up exciting new opportunities for every student.

Reach Higher, See Further, Shine Brighter

Trinity MAT’s ‘no excuses’ culture places high quality teaching and learning above everything: we aspire to do the best for each student in our care. As a result, our students’ outcomes are exceptionally high.

Teaching and Learning

We only employ the best teachers, continually developing their capacity to inspire young minds, ensure strong and deep learning and equip students for study or employment post-school.

A Broad and Balanced Curriculum

Our curriculum is wide-ranging. It focuses particularly on literacy, science, technology and maths, all of which are vital in developing the skills and thinking needed by 21st century colleges, universities and employers.

Partnering Businesses

Trinity MAT has built excellent partnerships with businesses. Once Trinity Academy Leeds begins to take shape, we will reach out to local businesses who can enrich our students’ experience and insights.

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Trinity Scholars

Trinity Scholar students benefit from an additional investment of up to £6000

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