Curriculum Intent
At Trinity Academy Leeds we offer a purposeful, coherent, and academically rich curriculum that leads to deep subject knowledge in a broad range of disciplines. Our curriculum is contextualised for our cohort, amplifying a breadth of voices, new experiences, weaving the canonical, cultural, and contemporary to produce an interesting, relevant diet for our learners.
Our offer is further strengthened by an unrelenting focus on developing key skills in literacy and numeracy coupled with a robust and embedded careers programme.
Our co-curricular offer is varied, far-reaching, and experienced by all. Enrichment opportunities are carefully chosen to enhance our curriculum and expose our young people to the best of all that has been thought, said, and written. Our character curriculum underpins this, promoting our core values of Empathy, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.
Our academy mantra, ‘Reach Higher, See Further, Shine Brighter’, encapsulates our vision for the holistic development of our young people. Our specialism of Voice draws together and strengthens our curriculum, empowering our young people to have the confidence and resilience to grasp opportunity and to live lives well-led. Our focus on Personal Development educates and protects, growing and adapting to the needs of our cohort and community.
Our curriculum is ambitious and transformational, it equips our young people with the skills and knowledge and personal qualities to pursue their aspirations.