Equality and Diversity

Call It Out – Equality Pledge

What do we stand for?

At Trinity Academy Leeds all members of our school community share an unshakeable commitment to ensuring equality and seek to address any form of discrimination for every member of our school community, regardless of sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and pregnancy. We have staff members and students who have heritage from all over the world and celebrate the positive contribution that diversity brings to our community. Together, we work tirelessly to ensure all members can participate fully in all parts of academy life.

The rapid thematic review led by Ofsted revealed how prevalent forms of harassment and abuse are for children and young people across secondary schools in England. It is concerning that for some children, incidents are so commonplace that they see no point in reporting them. At Trinity Academy Leeds, we swiftly and robustly address any form of abuse, harassment or bullying in or outside the academy, including online. We recognise the importance that all children gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in, and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people. (Ofsted April 2021). We have a duty to all members of our community to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all.

How do we encourage diversity and equality?

  • At TAL we have a robust BfL policy to support staff to challenge any discriminatory behaviour and take a zero tolerance approach to bullying
  • We have regular whole school inputs exploring our four core values through morning recall and the Inspire assemblies
  • A whole school equality pledge that is visible in every classroom for students to refer to
  • Curriculum subjects such RS teach about the value of diversity in Britain
  • PSHE inputs on the dangers of discriminating and stereotyping on the basis of any of the protected characteristics
  • Team Time and calendared inputs such as Inter Faith Week, exploring pertinent themes such as Anti-Bullying Week, Pride Month, Ramadan and the power of words; students are taught about the importance of British values and respecting the protected characteristics in relation to achieving equality for all
  • The Strong Foundations Programme work to support some of our most vulnerable students
  • INVOLVE is part of the school day ensuring members of different ages, genders and sexual orientation are included in various clubs across the academy
  • Clear information and protocols embedded to support our LGBTQ+ community through the TALlies Group
  • ‘Call It Out’ student reporting system of any form of harassment or discrimination to ‘call out’ any forms of harassment or discrimination
  • Regular student voice to inform new initiatives and practices.

The TAL Equality Pledge is launched in the first week during TAL camp and with all other year groups in the first week of term. The launch is linked closely with the personal development inputs covering key aspects of PSHE such as protected characteristics and healthy/unhealthy relationships. Each of these inputs is reinforced through the use of the knowledge organiser.

The Trinity Academy Leeds Equality Pledge

I pledge to:

  • Show empathy, kindness and understanding towards others’ feelings and experiences
  • Work tirelessly to ensure that all members of our community can participate fully in academy life regardless of their barriers, background, culture, heritage, identity and beliefs
  • Act with integrity, courage and honesty to challenge inequality
  • Appreciate the inner worth and value of each person
  • Play my part in creating a culture where all members of our community are treated with dignity and respect
  • Celebrate the positive contribution that diversity brings to our community
  • Take responsibility for my words and actions, both inside and outside of the academy, recognising how they impact on our community.

Students can report concerns in a number of different ways. Students can notify staff if they have a concern by speaking to any adult. The concern is then passed on to the Safeguarding Team who pick up the query. If students feel uncomfortable reporting a concern verbally, they can fill out a ‘Call It Out’ card that are found in the Refectory. Students have the option of leaving their name or remain anonymous. Students can post their ‘Call It Out’ card in the post box outside the Attendance Office. The issue will then be picked up by the Re-Build and Safeguarding Team. Where there is evidence that abuse has occurred, sanctions and restorative work is conducted with the victim and alleged perpetrator.

What are the overall objectives?

In relation to Achievement:

  • We are committed to improving the attainment of vulnerable groups of students, including students with Special Educational Needs, students with disabilities and those entitled to Free School Meals so that the gap between their attainment and that of other students is narrowed
  • We will aim to raise aspirations among children and young people, their parents and communities and raise awareness of career and higher education opportunities, to challenge stereotypes.

In relation to Teaching and Learning:

  • We will ensure that our curriculum (including our programme of enrichment and extracurricular activities) actively is broad and balanced and provides opportunities for all students and promotes understanding between different groups of people, cultures and societies
  • Our curriculum will include an element of PSHE and citizenship education that tackles stereotypes and challenges students’ perceptions.

In relation to Behaviour and Safety:

  • We will maintain a rigorous anti-bullying stance so that all students and staff, including those with protected characteristics, are protected from harassment and discrimination of all kinds
  • We will ensure the promotion of our British values through our RS curriculum; this will support and develop our students into responsible citizens of the future
  • Our behaviour for learning policies will outline how we will deal with students who use discriminatory homophobic or otherwise offensive language.

In relation to Leadership and Management:

  • We will demonstrate our commitment to equality and diversity through consistent application of our policies and procedures
  • We will ensure that our systems for recruiting, retaining and managing staff (and potential applicants) support all those in groups protected by the Equalities Act
  • We will undertake equality assessments of all new and existing policies and procedures.

Call It Out


Inter Faith Week

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