
Trinity Academy Leeds is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students in the academy. We recognise that there is no higher priority than students’ safety and wellbeing. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

As an academy, we feel it is of the utmost importance that students not only feel safe, but are safe, so they can reach their full potential. Our nurturing environment coupled with a culture of support means students can seek the help they need quickly, and the staff are expertly trained to look out for any signs that a student is subject to harm.

It is important that all members of the academy’s community see it as a safe place, and this extends to parents and carers. We know that starting secondary school can be an anxious time for parents as well as students. Parents can feel confident and secure that detailed policies and procedures are in place to ensure that all staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children within the academy.

At Trinity Academy Leeds, we have a team of experienced staff who are safeguarding trained. We also ensure all staff are kept up to date with relevant information so that student safety is at the forefront of everything we do.

Not only do we prioritise the safety of all students at the academy, but we also recognise that our role is to educate students and parents about how to keep themselves safe, whether this is online or recognising signs of abuse.

We have in place a range of policies and procedures to support our safeguarding commitment. All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as ‘Designated Safeguarding People’ in school in compliance with the ‘sharing of information’ guidance. You can find links to all these policies and procedure below. If there is any additional information you require, a member of our safeguarding team is happy to discuss any concerns.

All students, staff and parents are encouraged to report any concerns about any aspect of safeguarding or child protection to the safeguarding team. Students will be taken seriously if they seek help from a member of staff and, where appropriate, we will signpost students and families to receive additional support from outside agencies if this is necessary.

    Mr Richard Gouland | Safeguarding Lead


The roles and responsibilities of the designated safeguarding lead.

  • All policies and procedures to safeguard staff and students are in place and are updated as appropriate.
  • All staff/volunteers have read and understood the policies.
  • All staff/volunteers understand and are confident with safeguarding procedures.
  • All staff are aware about abuse in order to overcome barriers to students and young people reporting their concerns.
  • Supporting staff/volunteers to recognise the signs and indicators that might give rise to concern.
  • Providing detailed training on how to respond to concerns about the abuse of young people, as well as how to respond to young people making an allegation of abuse.
  • Explaining ways in which adults can raise concerns about unacceptable behaviour by other adults.
  • Addressing specific issues, such as photography and images on the Internet, supporting performers, physical contact, one-to-one coaching, journeys in cars, and conduct on school trips.
  • Providing support to staff, parents and carers, and for confidential discussions about concerns.
  • Co-ordinating arrangements for monitoring of students on roll who have been identified as being in need of protection.
  • Working closely with other professionals with regards to referrals to social care and other external agencies.

Mrs K Winfield

Safeguarding Officer

My role as Safeguarding Officer is to promote a safe environment for our young people - in school, at home and within the community.

I work closely with our pastoral team and other external agencies to ensure a consistent, effective and responsive approach to safeguarding.
I have over 15 years experience working in safeguarding and child protection roles. I’m really excited to be part of the TAL team where our culture and core values promote positive health and wellbeing for our young people. TAL is a place where students can feel safe, valued and able to be the best version of themselves.

Safeguarding - Green Cause for Concern

Staff working directly with children across the academy, such as teachers, support staff and our first aid team, have access to CPOMS in order to log cause for concern forms. The incident alert is sent through to all members of the Safeguarding Team, who respond to any concern immediately.

Members of our catering and site team have access to paper-based cause for concern forms. These are green and found in all office spaces across the academy. If a staff member needs to log an incident, the form is completed and handed directly to a member of the Safeguarding Team, who will log the concern on CPOMS, referencing the member of staff who has completed the paper-based form.

Visitors to the academy are given safeguarding information outlining the procedures for logging a concern at TAL. Visitors can find a green cause for concern form at the main reception. This should be handed directly to one of the Receptionists. Where possible, visitors will be contacted to discuss the concern and the next steps the Safeguarding Team will take to resolve the concern.

Useful Safeguarding Links

Please find below some external websites that provide advice and guidance on a range of safety issues:

Useful Resources

Parent/Carer Information

Internet safety

Substance Use


Mental Health

Emotional Health and Wellbeing


Sexual Health

Eating Disorders

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