LAPA in the news

UK’s first Youth Reggae choir perform for the King!

Reggae Roots, a Leeds based youth choir were selected to perform as part of the King’s Coronation Choir on the 7th of May 2023. Reggae roots were part of a choir of 300 singers from across the country performing in-front of thousands of people live and millions watching across the world.

Reggae Roots was founded by Sheila Howarth; a relative of one of our very own LAPA students. The group aims to provide students with a space outside of school to develop their passion and improve their mental health. Carmen Brown, a member of LAPA says the group has “such a wonderful atmosphere. And to know that I am part of the group my nana created is a huge honour. I love everyone in this choir. Everyone gets their own time to shine. We’ve had multiple shows but this is one of the biggest things we have ever done. I will remember it for ever.”

Trinity Academy Leeds and LAPA are proud to say that one of our own LAPA senior students and a part of the LAPA choir, Carmen Brown was part of this incredible event in 2023. Carmen comments on the experience. “It was exciting to be and very nerve wracking at the same time. Knowing that we were performing specifically for the King was incredible. This is a once in a lifetime experience and has given us dreams that we never thought we could have.”

Carmen has been an original member of LAPA since 2022 and is a member of many of the LAPA disciplines including; Theatre @ LAPA seniors, Choir @ LAPA, Pheonix dance @ LAPA as well as being a part of all of our showcases and summer productions since the beginning. Carmen says that “LAPA has been very encouraging with me, they have helped me build up my confidence and give me new opportunities not just in school but outside of school with many different people. I see LAPA as a safe space for me and everyone around us, it gives us a chance to be open with our personalities and passions. Knowing that we won’t get judged in this space is such a wonderful feeling that you don’t get in many places nowadays”


Trinity Academy Leeds selected to perform in Northern School of Contemporary Dance’s Community Dance Platform!

Leeds Academy of Contemporary Dance @ LAPA were selected to be part of the Northern School of Contemporary Dance’s Community Dance Platform this year. This meant that LACD @ LAPA were performing alongside industry professionals in the Riley Theatre.  Alongside this, our very own, Joshua (Year 9) and Grace (Year 7) were selected to perform as part of NSCD’s Youth Dance Company.  Joshua was awarded a ‘Trinity Scholarship’ to be part of this prestigious company and is thrilled to be continuing his contemporary dance training with NSCD.

Playhouse youth actor makes professional debut: Trinity Academy Leeds student make debut as Fleance in Playhouses’s Macbeth 

Star studded cast, impressive lighting and technical elements and a stage that created an entire universe within a theatre, Macbeth at the Playhouse was not one to be missed. Director Amy Leach made incredible artistic choices she said: “I think it is one of the greatest plays ever written. It’s thrillingly fast paced with a cracking story and incredible language that explores the deepest, darkest parts of what it is to be human. It investigates the nature of belief, love, ambition and desire, asking us to root for two humans who drive each other to do utterly terrible things.  “Our production is an exciting rollercoaster that brings Shakespeare’s words clearly to life, giving young people the chance to experience the play as it should be – as a living, breathing, electrifying experience.” 

Our very own Josh Ndlovu made his professional stage debut as Fleance. He said, regarding his experience: “When I first joined, I was very nervous. When I first walked through the playhouse doors, it was a magical experience, I truly saw the world of professional theatre. I knew from that moment that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.  The first few sessions were filled with getting to know each other and the cast dynamics. The professional cast members were extremely welcoming and were helping me with my acting experience. Amy was very supportive and was always giving me tips she gave us a character background which was really helpful.  Being part of an adaptive performance was incredible.   

LAPA has helped me develop my acting skills needed for auditions. It gave me an introduction to the professional world and without that I would have gone to the audition without the tools I needed. My experience of LAPA has been amazing, I’ve been in it from the very start and appreciate it has given us more and more opportunities.” 

Trinity Academy Leeds selected to perform in FRESH 2023!

Leeds Academy of Contemporary Dance @ LAPA were selected to be part of FRESH 2024, performing alongside some of the leading professional dance companies across Leeds and nationally. LACD were formed in 2023 and only a year later were selected to be part of this huge event in the dance calendars!

As part of FRESH 2024, LACD @ LAPA were involved in technical rehearsals, dress rehearsals, a workshop delivered by Akeim Toussaint Buck, a workshop by Jemma Mae and of course, performed in front of 700 people. LACD performed a piece that they had been working incredibly hard on, entitled ‘The Survivor’. ‘The Survivor’ piece was choreographed by Katie Squirrell and the students and has been touring in other events across Leeds for a few months.

Trinity Academy Leeds became ‘National Finalists’ in the Great Big Dance Off’s competition.

Trinity Academy Leeds, in collaboration with Phoenix Dance Theatre, performed a show stopping performance at the Victoria in Halifax as part of the Great Big Dance Off’s regional heat. Our LAPA dance students who take part in Phoenix Dance Theatre’s weekly dance lessons prepared a piece of choreography which was a contemporary and Afro fusion piece. The students worked incredibly hard during their rehearsals and performed to a full theatre of over 1,500 people.

Phoenix Dance @ LAPA has been open since September 2023 and has since been involved in various performances in Leeds. Previously, this group have performed alongside Phoenix Dance Theatre’s professional dance company as part of their community tour at Trinity Academy Leeds. The students of Phoenix Dance @ LAPA are very excited to be invited to perform in the Great Big Dance Off’s National final on 1st July 2024 and are excited to see where 2024/25 takes us!

LACD win the “most creative award” at the LSSA Dance Competition!

Leeds Academy of Contemporary Dance @ LAPA performed alongside other local secondary schools in Leeds in the LSSA Dance Competition. They walked away from this competition winning the “most creative performance” of the evening. This is only the beginning for this group of highly talented dancers!

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