LAPA Student Ambassadors


LAPA Student Ambassador

Dance has enabled me to pursue and grasp self-confidence.

My favourite subject in Performing Arts would be dance. This is because dance enables me to express myself, and you can do whatever style fits you. Personally, dance has enabled me to pursue and grasp self-confidence too. I was first interested in performing arts since primary school. My brother introduced it to me, and I loved it immediately. Since I was introduced to LAPA, I took every opportunity possible to get the most out of all they could offer. I have performed multiple times with my dance group, LACD. We have travelled to many cities to compete! It can be challenging when performing for the first time, but as you do it again and again, you become used to it. I have also performed in a show in London in May 2023. I would hope to be an actress of a professional dancer in the future. This is because drama and dance encourage me to do many things and learn new skills. If I get a career in it when I am older, I can apply these skills to the career. LAPA has helped me to follow my dreams and unlock many things in me I never knew I had. LAPA has helped me to be resilient and work out problem solving. If you ever make a mistake on stage, you can always improvise – the audience will never know! LAPA has boosted my confidence and encouraged me to try new things.


LAPA Student Ambassador

LAPA has really helped me to express all my feelings and show off my talents.

I have always loved both Dance and Drama from a young age. When I was about 3 years old my parents and I realised I had a passion for dance and that I was also very dramatic! Outside of school, every Thursday night, I go to the Northern School of Contemporary Dance. In school I do Choir and Sister Act rehearsals on Monday, LACD on Tuesdays, LAPA Juniors on Wednesdays and Phoenix Dance on Thursdays. When I am older, I want to be an actress, a dancer, a singer, and a fashion designer. It may seem like a lot, but these things inspire me and to excel in these classes. LAPA has really helped me to express all my feelings and show off my talents. All the trips and shows helped me realise how I felt about Performing Arts and how much it really means to me.


LAPA Student Ambassador

Drama lets my expressions, feeling, creativity and imagination run wild.

My favourite subject within Performing Arts is drama. This is because drama lets my expressions, feelings, creativity, and imagination run wild. I first became interested in drama by the open evening at TAL and then through lots of fun, different lessons. I also was inspired by researching drama and the opportunities it leads to, on the internet. The clubs at TAL that I am in are Theatre @ LAPA and outside of school, IMPacting Academy. I now have an agent who is helping me to gain access to opportunities and auditions. My dream career when I am older is to be an actor. This is because I have always loved being on stage even from a young age. LAPA has helped me to take my next big step to pursue my goal as an actor by teaching me many different techniques such as facial expressions and body language. LAPA has also helped me to confidently work with others when completing challenges and performances.


LAPA Student Ambassador

Dance allows me to express myself and have a lot of fun.

My favourite subject within Performing Arts is dance because it allows me to express myself and have a lot of fun. I have had many exciting experiences through dance at LAPA, for example I was in the dance troupe TALent last year and I am currently part of LACD and Phoenix Dance this year. Through school have performed at The Big Great Dance Off, NSCD community events, the Yorkshire Schools Dance festival and many more. My dream career when I am older is to be in interior designer because I have always enjoyed redecorating and reorganising places whenever I can. LAPA has helped me to pursue my dreams and interests because it has helped me to come out of my shell and to apply for roles like Build Team Ambassador, leading my peers throughout the academy day.


LAPA Student Ambassador

In music we can explore different musical instruments and different genres.

My favourite subject within Performing Arts is music. This is because in music we can explore different musical instruments for example keyboard and guitar. We are also able to explore different genres of music such as blues music. I first became interested in music in Primary school when I found out that they were hosting music tuition at lunch time every Friday. I started the music tuition in year four and then carried on all the way to year 6 playing the clarinet. I have had the experience of playing with Opera North on a Tuesday evening after school and on a Saturday playing in Young Musicians’ Studio (YMS). I have also taken part in multiple performances playing the French Horn on Tuesdays and in YMS playing clarinet on a Saturday with a performance every term. My dream career is to become a lawyer. This is because I would like to help people with their problems and try to fix the issues as much as I can. I would still like to pursue music as a hobby so that I can continue to improve my skill. LAPA has helped me to pursue my interest in music by hosting Opera North on a Tuesday. This has enabled me to discover more instruments and improve certain skills.


LAPA Student Ambassador

In drama I get to express myself while performing in front of other people.

My favourite subject is drama as I get to express myself while also performing in front of other people. I first became interested in Performing Arts at around 9 to 10 years old. I have played Fleance in Othello at Leeds Playhouse this year, Sergio in our school production of Matilda and performed a monologue in a school recital. I am a member of Theare at LAPA and am choosing to study Drama as part of my GCSE qualifications next year. My dream career is to be an actor as I want to build a reputation for my family so my sister can almost get a head start in life. LAPA has helped me hone my skills and talent which enables me not to get ‘rusty’ when it comes to drama.

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