British Values
At TAL, we actively teach British Values by promoting tolerance, the rule of law, mutual respect and individual liberty. We want our students to engage with democracy and develop the dispositions, skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
Examples of how British Values are taught at TAL:
- Having a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes preparation for and an appreciation of life in modern Britain.
- Developing character through our Build Character Curriculum and through and Team Time.
- Ensuring students’ social, mental, emotional and health development – across the curriculum and more widely through assemblies, PD inputs and Habits of Discussion, alongside visiting speakers such as St Giles.
- Actively teaching positive behaviour for learning through Morning Recall bulletins and the weekly Conduct Curriculum input. This is underpinned with a strong praise and rewards system.
- Having clear school routines communicated to all and consistently implemented.
- Actively teaching and promoting equality of opportunity, mutual respect and tolerance and challenging discrimination. For example, through the TAL Equality Pledge and the opportunity to use Call it Out Cards.
- Exploring how our country is governed, our rights as UK citizens, the importance of the rule of law and how the justice system upholds this through PD inputs and History lessons.
- Developing student voice and an understanding of democracy through a democratically elected Team Ambassadors. Providing opportunities Team Ambassadors to deliver to their Teams on the democratic system, and all students in the academy having the opportunity to vote in the Make Your Mark campaign.
- Using Humanities lessons to explore how democracy and the law works in Britain, the advantages and disadvantages of democracy, contrasting this with other forms of government in other countries, and exploring the difference between the law of the land and religious law.
- Involving students in decision-making and school evaluation through the Principals Breakfast and Building Learning Power exercises.
- Learning about the historical context of how our constitution came to exist in Humanities.
- Teaching about the European Union in Geography. (Y7 – Trade and Resources Y9 – Globalisation)
- Providing students with opportunities to learn how to argue and defend points of view through all subjects (Habits of Discussion) Team Time. Students who have a passion for this can join Involve clubs such as Model United Nations and Philosophy Club.
- Helping students explore and understand a range of faiths in Religious Education at both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
- Teaching the rules and expectations specific to practical subjects such as PE and DT.
Personal Development
- Marking key religious festivals/events and exploring the beliefs of our community through Inspire assemblies and whole-school initiatives.
- Links with the police, as appropriate (safer schools officer).
- Embracing diversity through a weekly Tallies meeting and through Fusion, our annual day of culture.