Curriculum Overview
The curriculum at Trinity Academy Leeds comprises of broad, balanced, ranged and detailed variety of subjects. These aim to nurture high aspirations, preparing students for the opportunities and challenges of the rapidly changing world. The curriculum offer, along with quality first teaching, impacts positively on learning and progress, ensuring that all students develop both academically and as rounded citizens.
We aim to:
- Provide a varied curriculum offer to students which ensures deep understanding of individual subjects, leading to a rich body of knowledge.
- Ensure the best possible progress and highest academic achievement for all by tailoring the curriculum to individual needs, ensuring flexibility and a commitment to respond to change where necessary.
- Give students access to appropriate careers information, advice and guidance at all stages, and that opportunities are open to students through their academic achievement and experiences gained at Trinity Academy Leeds.
- Promote students’ spiritual, moral and social understanding with a bespoke programme which responds to the needs of Trinity Academy Leeds students.
All students at Trinity Academy Leeds are placed in year groups, for example Year 7 or Year 11. The academy also works in ‘phases’ and each student is placed within a phase. These allow us to identify students in particular stages of their educational development and offer a range of learning opportunities as appropriate.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please contact us via e-mail