Student Leadership

At Trinity Academy Leeds there are an array of student leadership opportunities available to our young people that develop our school specialism of Voice along with many other key skills and characteristics.

Team Ambassadors

Team Ambassadors are democratically elected members of the TAL community. They are responsible for the leadership and organisation of their Team, as well engaging with and delivering on important topics. Each term, Team Ambassadors work with their Head of Year to lead an impactful campaign relating to an area of contextual safeguarding or a local/global concern.  Team Ambassadors work collaboratively to produce high-quality, research-based workshops which they deliver to their peers. Ambassadors also work with organisations such as the Voice, Influence and Change Team (Leeds City Council) and have delivered an additional workshop to their Teams on democracy, culminating in all members of the student community voting in the Make Your Mark elections, to identify areas of focus for Leeds Youth Council and the National Youth Council over the coming year. The Ambassadors were responsible for promoting democracy, organising the votes within their team, then counting and submitting the scores. The role of the Team Ambassador is further strengthened by the annual Building Leadership conference, in association with KPMG.

Reading Ambassadors

Reading Ambassadors support their build teams in accessing the library. Their general duties include making sure the library is run efficiently through the completion of administrative tasks such as ordering, organising and checking out books. Our Reading Ambassadors are responsible for supporting their peers with book recommendations and spreading the passion for reading.

Earthshot Ambassadors

At Trinity Academy Leeds, our students are determined to make the world a better place. Trinity Academy Leeds is a Green Flag Award winner, and our Earthshot Ambassadors continue to maintain this award by driving positive environmental change in the academy and local community, with the support of the Earthshot Lead Teacher (Miss Armstrong) and the Senior Leadership Team. Earthshot Ambassadors work collaboratively across a wide range of year groups, developing skills in communication, teamwork, goal setting and eco-awareness. Ambassadors are responsible for reviewing current school practices, whilst identifying and creating initiatives to better support our environment.  

Our ambassador council is part of a wider MAT initiative – Trinity MAT Earthshot. Trinity MAT has committed to a decade of change to save our planet as inspired by HRH Prince William and Sir David Attenborough’s Earthshot initiative. TAL Earthshot Ambassadors complete regular litter picks within the community, attend MAT wide conferences, take part in workshops with external visitors, maintain and develop our school eco garden, educate others and much more! 

Fusion Student Panel

Fusion is our annual day of culture. This academic year it is taking place on Friday, 14th April. The student panel is a group of students representing each year-group who devise the activities during Fusion and make key decisions on behalf of the student body.

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